Make sure that your Hadoop installtion is working fine on your machine. For this tutorial I have installed Hadoop on my MacBook Pro using the below guidelines. Hadoop Installation guidelines Install Eclipse IDE on the machine. I have installed Eclipse Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1). Create a new project using File->New->Project Set java Build Path by using Project->Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add External JARs Assuming Hadoop is installed on /Users/jineshmathew/hadoop-2.5.1, select all JARs in below folders /Users/jineshmathew/hadoop-2.5/share/hadoop/common/lib/ /Users/jineshmathew/hadoop-2.5/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/ /Users/jineshmathew/hadoop-2.5/share/hadoop/mapreduce/lib /Users/jineshmathew/hadoop-2.5/share/hadoop/hdfs/lib/ Now we need to create input data, I have created a file emp.dat with the below employee data. emp.dat ------------------------------- Tom,Developer,IL,80000 Jose,Architect,OH,100000 Bill,Director,OH,...