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Create SNMP Client in JAVA Using SNMP4j

Please follow the below mentioned steps to write a very simple SNMP4J application using Java and eclipse IDE.

First you need to download a copy of SNMP4J.jar. You can get it from

Then you need to decide how you are going to test your application. Check whether you have access to any real network devices like Cisco routers or Juniper routers or whether you are aware of any SNMP agent running on any of your servers.There is nothing to worry if you cannot find one , you can start SNMP agent on your desktop machine as well. Here I am giving an example of how you can use your Windows machine to test your application by starting the SNMP service on the machine.

I am using a Windows XP machine and below are the steps needed to start SNMP agent on the machine.

1. Go to Start->Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs -> Add or Remove Windows Components
     Select or Check "Management and Monitoring Tools".

    This will start the SNMP Agent running on your windows machine.

2. Verify SNMP agent running on your machine
    Go to Start->Control Panel -> Administrative Tools->Services and verify the service. You can also add 
    new community strings for additional security here.

3. Now come to Java coding. Open a Java application project in Eclipse and add the SNMP4J.jar to the
    library path.

Below code is almost self explanatory. Please refer to for API reference. You are welcome with questions or comments.

Please note that I have tried snmpget on 'sysDescr' MIB on my Windows machine and got the output "
Hardware: x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10 AT/AT COMPATIBLE - Software: Windows 2000 Version 5.1 (Build 2600 Multiprocessor Free)". This is Cool.....

import java.util.Vector;
import org.snmp4j.CommunityTarget;
import org.snmp4j.PDU;
import org.snmp4j.Snmp;
import org.snmp4j.smi.*;
import org.snmp4j.transport.DefaultUdpTransportMapping;
import org.snmp4j.event.ResponseEvent;
import org.snmp4j.util.*;

public class Collector
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Snmp snmp4j =  new Snmp(new DefaultUdpTransportMapping());
            Address add = new UdpAddress(""+"/"+"161");
            CommunityTarget target = new CommunityTarget();

            target.setCommunity(new OctetString("public"));
            PDU request = new PDU();
            OID oid= new OID(".");
            request.add(new VariableBinding(oid));

            PDU responsePDU=null;
            ResponseEvent responseEvent;
            responseEvent = snmp4j.send(request, target);

            if (responseEvent != null)
                responsePDU = responseEvent.getResponse();
                if ( responsePDU != null)
                    Vector <VariableBinding> tmpv = responsePDU.getVariableBindings();
                    if(tmpv != null)
                        for(int k=0; k <tmpv.size();k++)
                            VariableBinding vb = (VariableBinding) tmpv.get(k);
                            String output = null;
                            if ( vb.isException())

                                String errorstring = vb.getVariable().getSyntaxString();
                                String sOid = vb.getOid().toString();
                                Variable var = vb.getVariable();
                                OctetString oct = new OctetString((OctetString)var);
                                String sVar =  oct.toString();




        } catch (IOException e) {





  1. Hi,
    How to do this in ubuntu Os

  2. Helo
    reply can any one give me answer for my above qus?

    1. Hi,

      The java program would work in Ubuntu as well but if your question is more like how to test it in Ubuntu OS then you need to install snmp on the machine.

      More details can be fould on this blog:

  3. Hi Mathew,
    Thanku for response.
    I have some question's regarding snmp4j ,( I am new snap and snmp4j). it possible to connect X host to Y

    2. how to convert custom erros as a snmp traps and how send it X host to Y host.
    3.if possible what is the setup to do this.

  4. Hi Mathew,
    1)Is it possible to send customized erros as a snmp traps from X host to Y host.. using snmp4j.?(i am new for snmp and snmp4j)
    2.if possible what setup needed here.?
    3.what type of information contains an snmp trap .
    4.suppose i have one web application this application aim is,
    The application gets the alerts(errors) data from the devices stores into local Db using web services .now if we want convert the these alerts data as an snmptrap .(is it possible to convert this using snmp4j)
    and sends these data from one host to another host.?

  5. Hi,
    Could respond my posts pls.

  6. Hi,
    Thanks for the program,, can you help me..
    I want to list all the machine details(as the output of the above program) which are connected in my network...
    I am searching a long.. will you please give me an idea..

  7. hello sir,
    it is showing error like error: incompatible types
    Vector tmpv = responsePDU.getVariableBindings();
    required: Vector
    found: Vector
    where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:
    CAP#1 extends VariableBinding from capture of ? extends VariableBinding
    1 error
    when compling
    can anybody pls help me

    1. change below line like this:
      Vector tmpv = (Vector ) responsePDU.getVariableBindings();

  8. Please check and see whether you have SNMP4j.jar in your classpath.

    1. I cant solve the error adding SNMP4J.jar in classpath

  9. Hi how can i do set with this please

  10. The responseEvent.getResponse() returns null for me

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