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How to Pass SCJP or OCPJP in 2 weeks

Hi All,

I would like to share my experiance with OCPJP 1.6 exam in this post. I had prepared for 2 weeks for this exam and passed this exam with 83%. Let me share the details about my preparation.

I am an experianced programmer with experience in many Object Oriented Programming languages including Java and C++.

First thing I used for my preparation is the book: SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065 By Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates.This book is an excellent one for preparation of OCPJP exam. You dont have to buy a copy of the book.Freely downloadable PDFs are available on the net and download and use it.

Spend 1 full week on the above book , go thorough all the topics carefully. Prepare a Java environment and try as much programs as possible, which will make the concepts clear as well as it will boost confidence.

Carefully attend the exercise questions at the end of each chapter and analyse your results. If required take the same exercise once again.

Print the "2 minutes Drill" sections at the end of each chapter and keep it with you as a last minutes revision material.

Once you are done with this book and 1 week has been passed by now then you need to start with practice tests.

I had purchased practice test and attended all the practice tests carefully. This is a very important step and try to finish this within next 3 days :). See my progress report from below.

I was not completely satisfied with my results and I wanted to pass with the very first attempt. I had purchased Kaplan practice test: which is the official practice test proposed by Oracle.I had spent my next 2 days on this.

One thing you need to do at this stage is to identify the area were you are weak and practice more questions on that area. All these practice tests have the option to do that.

Go through your notes , 2 minutes Drill copies etc on the day before the exam and get ready for the exam.

Now comes the Big Day , be calm and write the exam. The questions look very simple sometime but try to find the real catch in the question.

And below is my results :). Wish you all the Best!!!!


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