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How to redirect different levels to different log files using log4Perl

It is sometimes required in a project to redirect log messages to different files based on their severity. This can be easily done in log4Perl using the below mentioned configuration file entries.

 log4perl.rootLogger=TRACE, errorlog, consolelog , debuglog  

 log4perl.appender.errorlog.Threshold = INFO  

 log4perl.appender.Screen.stderr = 0  

 log4perl.appender.debuglog.Threshold = DEBUG  

Above configuration redirects log messages to

errorlog - All log messages with severity >= INFO are logged in c:/perl/log-dir/error.log
consolelog - All log messages with severity >= TRACE are outputted to screen
debuglog  - All log messages with severity >= DEBUG are logged in c:/perl/debug-dir/debug.log 

If you need to redirect one and only one log level to certain log file the configuration will look like below.

 log4perl.rootLogger=TRACE, errorlog

 log4perl.filter.ERRORFILTER   = Log::Log4perl::Filter::LevelMatch  
 log4perl.filter.ERRORFILTER.LevelToMatch = ERROR  
 log4perl.filter.ERRORFILTER.AcceptOnMatch = true  

 log4perl.appender.auditlog.Filter = ERRORFILTER  

Above configuration uses filters to match the mentioned Level. In above case only ERROR logs will be logged.


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